The Journey Continues...

Life is a journey, filled with adventures small and large. This is a small journal of mine... with stories, opinions, a little humor, even an occasional rant.

Location: Tertre-St. Ghislain, Belgium

A retired guy, enjoying life as it comes.

Friday, December 03, 2004

A beautiful day in Belgium...

Woke up this morning to clear skies and frost on the ground. The mercury dropped to about -3C as the sun came up. Considering the weather we've had for the past few weeks, this is pretty nice!

Dorothy and I switched cars for the day, as the Volvo has a burned-out headlamp (and it's pretty dark when she heads out in the AM). I had to go find the owners manual, then spend quite a while working my way through it (alas, it's in Italian, so it really is a struggle) until I finally found the part about the headlamps. I feared it would be as bad as the old Ford Aerostar that we used to own (and I never did really figure out a good way to do those... it would take me literally hours), but it turns out they are amazingly easy. Just don't touch the glass of the bulb.

After the morning ablutions and getting decent, I headed off to the local PX at Chievres. They had the bulbs, and I was lucky enough to get one on sale... a packaging phase-out, I guess, because the other bulbs looked just the same but cost about $1.00 more.

And then it was off to Mons and the bank at SHAPE. The Euro account was running low, so I had to exchange some dollars... OUCH! The dollar has hit a record low against the Euro, but there are bills to pay and there's little choice.

Finally, back home to enjoy the Friday afternoon, and a bit of Belgian beer. Life is so good!


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