The Journey Continues...

Life is a journey, filled with adventures small and large. This is a small journal of mine... with stories, opinions, a little humor, even an occasional rant.

Location: Tertre-St. Ghislain, Belgium

A retired guy, enjoying life as it comes.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Ice Maiden...

Just got back from a wonderful day walking through Antwerp, and enjoying the annual Ice and Snow FĂȘte. We managed to miss a rain shower just as we arrived in town, then there was yet another while we spent some 90 minutes wandering following the long queue through the sub-zero exhibit tent. We dressed warmly, and were very glad that we did.

The theme this year for the exhibits was Peter Paul Rubens. And, of course, in the classic Rubens style, there were lots of plump, naked ladies (and some plump, naked guys, to be fair). The ice sculptures were marvelous, and if you ever get the chance to go to one of these, you simply must. The artistry is fabulous, and the works are magical, especially with the play of light through the ice.

And, of course, they had the obgligatory ice-bar, where you could get a shot of Stoly or Jaeger, served in a glass made of ice.

While in Antwerp, we also enjoyed a wonderful lunch of steamed mussels, accompanied by some wonderful Belgian beer. We managed to get a window-seat, and enjoyed the parade of humanity walking by while we plucked our tender treats from their shells. Mmmmmmm!

We ran a bit short of time, and even ended up running (quite literally) to catch our train. But it was such a nice city that we decided that we simply must go back. In particular, we want to visit the beautiful cathedral, located near the grand place. It is a beautiful old structure, and sits as a landmark visible from most of the city. And so many other places to see, too... But that's for next time!

In all, it was a great day!


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