The Journey Continues...

Life is a journey, filled with adventures small and large. This is a small journal of mine... with stories, opinions, a little humor, even an occasional rant.

Location: Tertre-St. Ghislain, Belgium

A retired guy, enjoying life as it comes.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Morning Visitor

Looked out the back window this morning, and saw a pic vert poking around in what passes for our lawn, looking for grubs. The pic vert is a largish woodpecker, with georgeous green (almost parrot green) feathers and a brilliant red patch on the top of his head. They are pretty shy and wary, so I don't worry too much about our cats catching one.

I'll have to look them up in a bird book to figure out whether they are just passing through on a winter migration, or if they stick around here through the year.


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