The Journey Continues...

Life is a journey, filled with adventures small and large. This is a small journal of mine... with stories, opinions, a little humor, even an occasional rant.

Location: Tertre-St. Ghislain, Belgium

A retired guy, enjoying life as it comes.

Monday, December 06, 2004

The Alphabet...

Just finished reading Sue Grafton's recent book R is for Ricochet. Stayed up to near-midnight last night, then finished it off in another couple of hours this morning. A good read, and Grafton is definitely back in her stride with this book. An outlook for a better future for most of the "good" guys at the end (while the most of the bad-guys get their just desserts). Although she has slowed the pace of her publishing, her books are better for it. She has apparently avoided the trap of many "series" authors, who either make the stories become all too trite and predictable, or change the ambiance of the stories to somber, gloomy, and depressing.

Four stars for this book!


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